I love making chili and I love chili dogs. However, when I add my normal chili recipe to a hotdog I get good results, not fantastic results. So a few days ago I went on a search for a real chili dog chili sauce recipe. I found a recipe that really intrigued me. There were no beans and the meat entirely came from finely shredded flank steak. After I saw that I knew I had to make this chili. This type of chili is referred to as a "chili sauce" and is a fantastic topping for hotdogs.
Ingredients for the chili sauce: (to top approximately 16 hotdogs)
1 lb of flank steak (sometimes incorrectly labeled as "London Broil")
1 medium onion
2 and a ½ large celery stalks
1 clove of garlic
½ cup of ketchup
½ cup of chili sauce (like Heinz)
2 T yellow mustard
2 T Franks Hot sauce (or any similar hot sauce)
1 T Worcestershire sauce
1.5 T chili powder
¼ tsp ground cloves
2-3 T vegetable oil
Ingredients for the hotdogs:
Angus beef franks
Potato rolls
Mild cheddar cheese
Diced yellow onions
Yellow Mustard
This recipe is broken into two parts. The first part is placing the steak, celery, garlic, and onions in a food processor. The second part is to build a sauce to add to the steak mix. Chop the steak and onion into 1-2 inch pieces. Chop the celery into 2-3 inch pieces.
Place the flank steak into a food processor. At this time I put the vegetable oil into a large sauce pan (about 4.5 qt size) and set it to medium-medium high heat.
Using the pulse feature of the food processor pulse the steak 35-45 times, about 2-3 seconds each until the consistency looks like the above picture. Scrape the meat into the sauce pan and stir. Put the onions, garlic, and celery into the food processor and pulse until they are just as fine as the steak. Scrape this mixture into the sauce pan as well.
Keep stirring the mixture until all of the red color disappears. You don't have to get all of the moisture out but keep it cooking until the meat becomes gray (about 15 minutes).
While you are stirring the meat you can start mixing the ingredients for the sauce. I used a measuring cup and added the ingredients right in. Add the ketchup, chili sauce, yellow mustard, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, chili powder and ground cloves into the measuring cup and stir.
Pour this mixture into the sauce pan. Stir often and let the chili simmer for about 20 minutes.
Here is an up close picture to help you see the consistency of this chili dog chili sauce.
The way I like my chili dogs is on a soft potato roll, topped with mild cheddar cheese, chili and chopped yellow onions. If I'm feeling crazy I'll top it with some yellow mustard as well. Wow, this is a winner.
What is interesting with this recipe is that it's not the typical type of chili that you would normally eat out of a bowl. After my first bite of this chili dog I thought, "Wow, this chili is perfect for chili dogs!" Be sure not to leave out the ground cloves. It really adds a unique taste.
The above picture was taken with my cell phone. I just loved the way the waffle fries went along with the chili dog.
This chili dogs with a chili sauce recipe is slightly modified from a chili sauce recipe in "Americas Best Lost Recipes" provided by Melanie's Kitchen.
Chili Dogs with a Chili Sauce
- • 1 lb flank steak
- • 1 medium onion
- • 2 or 3 celery stalks
- • 1 clove of garlic
- • ½ cup of ketchup
- • ½ cup of chili sauce near the ketchup in the store
- • 2 T yellow mustard
- • 2 T hot sauce
- • 1 T Worcestershire sauce
- • 1.5 T chili powder
- • ¼ tsp ground cloves
- • 2-3 T vegetable oil
- Cut the steak up a bit and put it in a food processor. Pulse until the steak is fine. Remove.
- Add onions, garlic and celery into food processor. Pulse until fine.
- Add oil to a large pot over medium heat and add steak, onions, garlic and celery. Cook until the meat is done.
- In another bowl mix together the ketchup, chili sauce, mustard, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, chili powder and ground cloves. Stir and add to the meat mix.
- Simmer for about 20-30 min and use to top hotdogs.
This recipe freezes very well and will last in the freezer up to 6 months as long as it is properly sealed in airtight containers with a piece of plastic wrap inside the container sitting directly on top of the sauce mixture.